
Effective Negotiation Skills

This very stimulating workshop introduces the skills required to take part in successful negotiations. It introduces a systematic approach to preparing and conducting negotiations at all levels.


A. Nagappan
2 days
All levels
0 lessons
0 quizzes
0 students

Course Info

The ability to effectively negotiate is a vital ingredient to the success of all business and technical professionals. These professionals often negotiate with both internal and external parties in relations with sales, purchasing, contract, collaboration and project related scenarios. This 2-days training program provides middle managers a practical negotiation framework that could be used to develop meaningful and long-lasting relationships with prospective stakeholders from within and outside the organizations. The program is organized around practical and realistic negotiation exercises.

What Will I Learn From This Course?

Plan, prepare and conduct win-win negotiations to develop long term commitment with other parties

Understand the critical issues that influence the outcome of a negotiation process

Master effective negotiation skills and maximise value in their negotiations

Negotiate with confidence, develop greater negotiation consciousness and close business deals efficiently

Develop an effective negotiation strategy that is flexible and appropriate in various circumstances

Target Audience

Executive, Young Managers, Middle Managers and etc


This is a highly interactive programme and focuses on the practical aspects of realistic negotiation skills development through experiential learning. The programme consists of lecture cum workshops, role-plays, demonstrations, self-analysis, individual and group exercises, video presentations, and group discussions using practical negotiation case applications.

Course Outline for This Programme

a. Negotiation scenarios at workplace
b. Challenges faced during negotiations
c. The nature and types of negotiations
d. Traditional versus new negotiation trends

a. Preparation (Pre-negotiation)
b. Opening (Introduction/Setting the stage)
c. Bargaining (Counter negotiation)
d. Closing (Concluding the deal)

a. Importance of preparation
b. Key factors involved in preparation
• Negotiable Vs Non-negotiable items
• Three levels of objectives
• Concessions
• Information about other party
• Negotiation style selection
c. Strengthening bargaining power and BATNAs
d. The negotiation preparation checklist

a. Selecting the right negotiating style
• Conquering
• Conceding
• Compromising
• Collaborating
b. Opening, bargaining and closing strategically
c. Handling multiple issues
d. Handling objections and disagreements
e. Counter negation tips and strategies

a. Strengthening rapport during negotiations
b. Using right verbal and no-verbal techniques
c. Questioning skills during negotiations
d. Portraying confidence and building trust

a. Negotiation preparation
b. Enhancing BATNAs
c. Handling difficult negotiators
d. Focusing on key issues
e. Trading concessions
f. Counter negotiation

a. Evaluating your negotiation skills
b. Personal action plan for successful negotiation

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A. Nagappan

Nagappan is an enthusiastic and dynamic trainer, consultant, author and motivation speaker. He has trained an extensive number of business and technical professionals, lecturers, students, and parents on a variety of areas. His personal mission is to train, educate, motivate and empower individuals, teams and organizations in achieving excellence. Nagappan’s areas of training specialty includes a wide spectrum of soft skills. He is the author of the book “The Negotiating Edge: Strategies to create a win-win outcome.”

He has more than 18 years of hands-on experience in education and training, in most of which have been spent on “people development”. He had served as the Group Training Manager for several well-diversified public-listed manufacturing and service companies in Malaysia, where his focus were on personal, professional and organizational development training. Besides that, he has also held the position of Director of Studies for a leading IT educational institution in Malaysia.

Nagappan had obtained his Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Management and Information Technology from the United States (USA) and a MBA from Charles Sturt University (Australia). In addition, he had also undergone a practitioner certification training in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), a modern communication psychology certification, in Australia. He actively uses the concepts of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and ALP (Accelerated Learning Principles) in all training programs that he conducts to enhance the learning outcomes and effectiveness among the participants.

A Certified NLP Practitioner with the IANLP (International Association of NLP, Australia), Nagappan conducts various training programs on personal, professional and organizational development throughout the Malaysia. He has conducted an extensive number in-house programs and public seminars in Malaysia.
