Course Info
The R programming language provides a suite of useful tools for performing data science tasks. R enables data analysts to supercharge their analysis workflow by producing reproducible analyses and reports in a highly readable syntax on tabular data. Building on the fundamentals introduced in R for Data Science I, trainees will learn to produce publication-ready data visualizations, interact with databases, simplify data manipulation analysis code and analyze text data with tidyverse packages.
What Will I Learn From This Course?
Use the ggplot2 package to produce publication-quality data visualizations.
Perform advanced data manipulation tasks and interact with databases with dplyr.
Perform string manipulation with the stringr package.
Technical Requirements
A laptop with the RStudio IDE and R (version 3.2 and above) installed is ideal. R’s system requirements are minimal, however we recommend a system with 4GB RAM or more.
We highly recommend that trainees install the tidyverse packages before coming to class with install.packages(“tidyverse”) Trainees may also use RStudio Cloud, an online hosted instance of R designed for data science training, provided a stable internet connection at the venue can be guaranteed.
R for Data Science I
Course Outline for This Programme
Advanced ggplot2
- Factors
- Theming options
- geom_text, geom_label
Refine your ggplot2 plots to be publication-ready. Learn about how factors relate to ggplot2 visuals, theming and labelling options in ggplot2, and annotations with the text and label geoms.
Advanced dplyr
- two-table verbs
- writing a function
- dbplyr
Learn about advanced functions in the dplyr package: (1) operations between more than one data frame; (2) connecting to databases using the familiar dplyr syntax with the dbplyr package; and (3) writing functions with dplyr verbs to repeat regular analyses.
Text manipulation with stringr
- stringr functions
- basic regex
- application: bag-of-words
Learn to perform basic string tasks with the stringr package. This section introduces the concept of list columns and how it applies to bag- of-words analysis, a rudimentary technique in natural language processing (NLP).
Mini project
Students will apply the skills learned in this course to a simple dataset and produce a report in R Markdown.
Previous clients that we have conducted training with:




Background – Microsoft .NET Framework
James has more than 10 years of software development experience working in a software house. He has developed multiple solutions on different platforms, including Web, Desktop, and Server. He has started developing solutions using the Microsoft .NET Framework technology since 2002. He has also developed and implemented Document Management Solutions with document routing, Construction Site Safety Processing Solutions for Government Agencies, Human Resource Management Assessment Solution on Balance Score Card and Recruitment Assessment.
Background – Microsoft SQL ServerJames has substantial experience using Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5 for RDBMS solution development and deployment. He has also developed multiple Business Intelligence solutions using Microsoft SQL Server BI components since 2002. Microsoft SQL Server is his first choice on any solution development, like Digital Bill Conversion for Telco Corporate Users Solution, Human Resource Management Assessment Solution on BI for Performance Analysis, etc.
Background – Microsoft AZUREJames has trained and consulted AZURE solution for 5 years. He has been following azure technology closely. Since 2019, he was also one of the trainers pointed to deliver the AZURE training content for the MICROSOFT AZURE Training project in APEC. He has helped to deliver the content to MICROSOFT clients like AXA (Hong Kong), P&G (Philippine), SAP SA (China) etc. He also provides numerous training to T System (Malaysia). He also trains and consults AZURE Solution Architect, AZURE Data Science Solution and AZURE Service Development.