
Creativity and Innovation Skills

The ability to think creatively and innovatively is an essential skill that every business and technical professional.


A. Nagappan
2 days
All levels
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0 students

Course Info

Executives are required to foster an environment which encourages innovation and creativity at the workplace. This 2-days interactive session will enable executives to sharpen their creative & innovative thinking skills. The course aims to provide the participants with the right tools, techniques, strategies and motivation to think creatively using their right brain hemisphere. This is an experiential learning course, therefore, a balance of concepts plus practical activities will be involved.

What Will I Learn From This Course?

Become innovative personally and encourage team members to think innovatively and creatively

Realize the vital needs for innovative and creative thinking capabilities

Understand the processes and steps involved in innovative thinking

Sharpen their abilities in thinking more creatively, innovatively and competitively using their right brains

Master various tools that will enable them to think out-of-the box in a team oriented manner

Apply the core skills learnt from the session at their workplace respectively

Target Audience



A highly interactive and practical methodology will be utilized. Consists of seminars, group discussions, video presentations, mini case discussions, individual and group “hands-on” exercises, as well as plenty of self-reflection sessions.

Course Outline for This Programme

a. The age of unreason and change
b. Challenging and changing business cycles
c. Specific challenges in the oil and gas industry
d. Thinking out-of-the box (Creative & Innovative thinking)

a. What Is Innovation?
b. Innovative Thinking – A Self-Assessment
c. Enhancing Personal Creativity And Thinking
d. Obstacles To Creative Thinking

a. Manager’s Roles In Fostering Creativity
b. Creating The Right Environment For Innovation
c. Inculcating Innovation And Creativity At Workplace
d. Innovative Organizations And Success Stories

a. Business Models
b. Processes
c. Customer Satisfaction
d. Products/Services

a. Physical and health exercise
b. Personal rituals
c. Music
d. Enhancing creative competency

a. Journaling
b. Regular Fresh Input
c. Keeping A Journal
d. Learning A New Creativity Technique Weekly
e. Relaxing And Visualizing
f. Learning To Draw
g. Learning Mind Mapping
h. Associated Thinking
i. Idea Recording Strategies

a. Idea Generation
b. Idea Organization
c. Idea Evaluation
d. Idea Selection
e. Idea Implementation

a. Brainstorming
b. Random input technique
c. How-how diagramming
d. Mind Mapping
e. Scamper
f. Lateral Thinking
g. 6 Thinking Hats

a. Case study briefing
b. Team discussions
c. Team presentations
d. Review and reflection

a. Determining areas of improvements
b. Development of personal action plan

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A. Nagappan

Nagappan is an enthusiastic and dynamic trainer, consultant, author and motivation speaker. He has trained an extensive number of business and technical professionals, lecturers, students, and parents on a variety of areas. His personal mission is to train, educate, motivate and empower individuals, teams and organizations in achieving excellence. Nagappan’s areas of training specialty includes a wide spectrum of soft skills. He is the author of the book “The Negotiating Edge: Strategies to create a win-win outcome.”

He has more than 18 years of hands-on experience in education and training, in most of which have been spent on “people development”. He had served as the Group Training Manager for several well-diversified public-listed manufacturing and service companies in Malaysia, where his focus were on personal, professional and organizational development training. Besides that, he has also held the position of Director of Studies for a leading IT educational institution in Malaysia.

Nagappan had obtained his Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Management and Information Technology from the United States (USA) and a MBA from Charles Sturt University (Australia). In addition, he had also undergone a practitioner certification training in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), a modern communication psychology certification, in Australia. He actively uses the concepts of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and ALP (Accelerated Learning Principles) in all training programs that he conducts to enhance the learning outcomes and effectiveness among the participants.

A Certified NLP Practitioner with the IANLP (International Association of NLP, Australia), Nagappan conducts various training programs on personal, professional and organizational development throughout the Malaysia. He has conducted an extensive number in-house programs and public seminars in Malaysia.
